Tickets, Box Offices and Shops

Find how you can buy tickets to Rudolfinum. And also what the Czech Philharmonic and Rudolfinum Gallery box offices and shops have to offer.

How to Buy Tickets

Not only the Czech Philharmonic, but other excellent ensembles perform at Rudolfinum. Festival concerts as well as non-musical events take place here.

The variety of the presentery or sellers is reflected in the way you can get tickets.

In Person at the Rudolfinum Box Office

Valid for selected tickets only

We will always inform you in the event details on the website whether tickets are also sold in person at Rudolfinum. If so, you can collect them yourself, or contact the Czech Philharmonic Customer Service for more information.

Our staff will help you not only with tickets for concerts organized by the Czech Philharmonic and the Czech Chamber Music Society, but also for concerts by selected other performers.

Online Purchase in Cooperation with our Partner Orchestra and Institutions’ Websites

What does this mean? In the program here on the website, you will find the "Online Purchase" button in the details of each event. When you click here, the site will redirect you to the sales webpage of the specific presenter or seller and you will be able to purchase your tickets there.

Contacts and Opening Hours of the Czech Philharmonic Customer Service

Telephone: +420 227 059 227

Mo–Fr: 9 a.m.–6 p.m. (July and August Mo–Fr: 09 a.m.–3 p.m.)
On the day of Czech Philharmonic concerts, open until the beginning of the concert. Valid on working days only.

Czech Philharmonic Box Office


Rudolfinum, disabled access from 17. listopadu Street

Opening Hours

Mo–Fr: 10 a.m.–6 p.m. July and August: until 3 p.m.

On the day of Czech Philharmonic or Czech Chamber Music Society concerts, open until the beginning of the concert.

For morning concerts by the Czech Philharmonic, the office is open for 1 hour before the concert begins.

During afternoon concerts by the Czech Philharmonic on weekends and holidays, the office is open for 2 hours before the concert begins.


Tickets for concerts by the Czech Philharmonic, the Czech Chamber Music Society, and selected presenters or sellers.

Promotional items from the Czech Philharmonic and gift vouchers for the purchase of tickets.

Galerie Rudolfinum Box Office and Shop

Rudolfinum, hall, entrance from Alšovo Nábřeží Street

Opening Hours

Tue–Sun: 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Thursday: until 8 p.m.
Mo: closed
The ticket office is closed during installation of a new exhibition.


Tickets for events and accompanying programs of the Galerie Rudolfinum. Admission to exhibitions is usually free.

Tickets for concerts by the Czech Philharmonic, Czech Chamber Music Society, and selected presenters or sellers. Promotional items from the Czech Philharmonic.

Catalogues, posters and postcards for exhibitions. Notebooks, sketchbooks, natural soaps and other products specially designed for the Rudolfinum Gallery. Zdimalovánky (coloring books for walls) and T-shirts with Artpark motifs. Also LT RUDOLF bags and other accessories from the upcycling collection.

View the offer on the Galerie Rudolfinum website

Rudolfinum Shop at the Czech Philharmonic 


Rudolfinum, foyer of Dvořák Hall, main entrance from Jan Palach Square

Opening Hours

Every day, including weekends, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

From 8 to 10 February, the Rudolfinum shop will be closed due to technical reasons.


Promotional items from the Czech Philharmonic, items related to the Rudolfinum building and concert programs.

CDs, vinyl records, publications, postcards, posters and mugs.

Gift vouchers and fashion accessories. Bags, t-shirts, socks, diaries, pencils and books.

Coffee, tea and honey from the roof of the Rudolfinum.

View the offer on the Czech Philharmonic website